Friday, August 6, 1993

CUPE AGREEMENT:  The Social Contract agreement between UW and its
unionized staff is now available.  (I hope to post the full text to
UWinfo, under the Daily Bulletin heading, later today.)  The agreement
between UW and Canadian Union of Public Employees local 793 provides
just about exactly the same things as the earlier agreement with
the staff association covering non-unionized staff.

But -- in settlement of a grievance the union filed earlier this summer
-- CUPE staff are getting their scheduled 1 per cent pay increase from 
May 1, 1993.  The money will be showing up retroactively in the near
future: the payroll office has told CUPE's president, Hernan Crespo, 
that the increases will be in paycheques either August 12 or August
26.  (Hourly-paid CUPE staff get their pay every two weeks.)

Under last week's agreement, ratified by CUPE members on Wednesday,
they will have pay frozen at that level through April 30, 1996.  They
will take three unpaid days off in 1993-94, and "up to three" in
1994-95 and 1995-96.  Under the Social Contract rules, unpaid time
off doesn't apply to people earning less than $30,000 a year.
As with other staff, pay reductions for the unpaid days in 1993-94
will be spread over nine months, with the first money coming off the 
paycheque that's due next Thursday, August 12.  The agreement also
extends CUPE's collective agreement with UW through April 30, 1996.
It dates from July 1, 1992, and was to run through April 30, 1994.

PLEASE NOTE that the Daily Bulletin may be irregular during the next
two weeks.  I am heading off to finish my interrupted vacation; in my
absence, Bulletins will be posted as necessary by Martin Van Nierop
(phone ext. 4881).

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004