Wednesday, August 4, 1993

PLACEMENT REPORT:  As spring term students begin the ultimate challenge
(exams start today and run through August 14), most of them are also
looking ahead to a fall work term.  And it's still hard times for
co-op placements.  "We're three-quarters of the way there right now,"
Dick Pullin of the co-op department said yesterday. He said the goal
is to place 95 per cent of eligible students, "at least", by some
time in September.  The toughest fields again this term:  architecture,
accounting, first-year engineering.

MINISTER VISITS:  This afternoon's statement by Rob Nicholson, the federal
science minister, is scheduled for 3 p.m. in Davis Centre room 1302.
The event is intended for media and invited guests, but other interested
people won't be turned away as long as there's room, says Martin van
Nierop, UW director of information and public affairs.  Nicholson is to
say something about the government's support for CANARIE, the new
national "electronic highway".

SOCIAL CONTRACT:  Members of Local 793 of the Canadian Union of Public 
Employees, some 300 UW staff in the plant operations and food services 
departments, are scheduled to meet this afternoon to vote on accepting 
a "local agreement" with UW under the Social Contract Act.  Contents 
of the tentative agreement, reached last week, haven't been made public, 
and as far as I have been able to find out, this afternoon's meeting is 
open to CUPE members only.

GAZETTE ISSUES:  There is a Gazette issue on campus today -- the last 
until September 1, the Wednesday before Labour Day.  Note that the issue
previously scheduled for August 18 has been cancelled (because of today's
issue, which hadn't been previously scheduled).

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004