Wednesday, September 29, 1993

SCIENCE DAYS:  Some 243 high school students are visiting campus today
for the first in the fall series of Science Days -- organized by the
faculty of science to give possible future students a glimpse of Waterloo.
Hundreds more visitors will be here on succeeding Wednesdays, through
November 24.

THE CAREER FAIR:  It starts at 10 a.m. today in the main gym of the
Physical Activities Complex, and runs through 3 p.m.  All students are
encouraged to drop by.

TALKING ABOUT FOOD:  Anybody interested in discussing the "Value Plus"
card -- asking questions, making comments -- can attend an open forum 
tonight, organized by the food services department.  The cards were 
introduced this fall, and three-quarters of card-holders so far are 
Village residents who use them to pay for their meals in residence 
cafeterias and on the main campus.  Tonight's forum will be in the 
Blue dining room of Village 1, starting at 8 p.m.

COMMUNITY CAMPAIGN:  Departmental representatives for the Community
Campaign (raising gifts for UW from staff, faculty and retirees) will
already have tomorrow morning's "Thank You" breakfast marked on their
calendars. During the 8:30 event, the draw will be made to award prizes
to some of the Campaign donors.  There might even be a progress report on
the Campaign, which at last report had passed $2.4 million level on the
way to its five-year goal of $3 million.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004