Tuesday, September 28, 1993

PORTABLE BUILDINGS: Two new portables appeared this week between the
Campus Centre and Biology 1 along one of the pathways leading to the 
ring road.  The Used Bookstore and the Music Source, both currently 
located in the basement of CC, are slated to move into them by October 15. 
The move is necessary so renovations can be made to the CC, as the 
first step in constructing a new Student Centre around it. Telephone 
and power lines must still be installed in the portables. "It's 
probably a much better place for the retailers," says John Leddy,
coordinator of the Student Centre project.

PENSION MEETING:  About 30 people turned out -- besides ten members of 
the pension and benefits committee -- for an hour-long "information session"
this morning about the UW pension plan.  Among the questions asked: How
"temporary" is the temporary reduction in the contributions UW (and
individual faculty and staff) are making to the pension fund, as part of
UW's Social Contract savings and other budget cuts?  The answer came
from Jim Kalbfleisch, the university's provost, who chairs the pension
and benefits committee:  "The intention is a three-year window within 
which we have to adjust to our new economic circumstances. . . .  This is
a stopgap measure."

The meeting was also told that the $400 million fund has an official
surplus of $7.4 million, but that the January 1 market value was some
$29 million higher than the "actuarial value" of the fund, and its assets
will be even bigger by now because 1993 has been a good year on the stock
market.  And Kalbfleisch reminded the meeting that the university isn't
taking any of that surplus out of the plan -- it's just reducing the rate
at which new money is put in.

CAREER EVENT:  The co-op and career services department is sponsoring a
Career Fair in the main gym of the Physical Activities Complex, tomorrow
from 10 to 3.  Says Carol Ann Olheiser of the department: "The fair is
an ideal setting for you to find out more about careers which interest
you, see what different companies have to offer and make some contacts
within the company."

SHOWTIME SERIES:  The City of Waterloo launches its Showtime series in the
Humanities Theatre this weekend. Saturday: "Jim and Dave's Search for the
Golden Toad", a kids' show at 1 p.m.  Next Thursday, October 7:  "The
Glorious 12th", a play from the Blyth Festival Theatre, about small-town
Ontario life and the Loyal Orange Order.  The Humanities box office has

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004