Monday, September 27, 1993 TICKETS FOR LECTURE: Free tickets are available -- starting today, while they last -- for the October 27 Hagey Lecture by Andrea Lunsford of the Ohio State University. Her topic: "Intellectual Property in an Age of Information". The tickets are available at the Humanities box office. Also available today are tickets for a more informal seminar that Lunsford will give the following day, October 28, on her work in promoting literacy. Those tickets come from the faculty association office in the Math and Computer building. SPORTS SCORES: The football Warriors fell to the Western Mustangs 26-22 on Saturday. That's the only interuniversity score available at this hour. CLASSIC PLAYS: Aquila Productions is on campus this week to perform a pair of classics. Today at 2, and Wednesday at 8, it's Shakespeare's "Coriolanius". Tonight and tomorrow at 8, it's "The Wasps" of Aristophanes. All shows are in the Theatre of the Arts. PENSION MEETING: The pension and benefits committee's "information session" on the pension plan is set for tomorrow morning, starting at 8:45, in Needles Hall 3001. OFF TO THE WINERIES: The staff association says it still has a few places available for Saturday's bus tour of the Niagara wineries. The tickets (association members $45, others $47) include not just a seat on the bus but a series of wine tastings, lunch, and dinner at Cave Spring Cellars. The association office at ext. 3566 will happily take reservations. Chris Redmond Information and Public Affairs credmond@watserv1 ext. 3004