Friday, September 24, 1993

IT'S PAYDAY (for faculty members and non-union staff).  It's the
eve of Yom Kippur, the "day of atonement" in Judaism, which runs from
sunset tonight to sunset Saturday.  And it's the balmy beginning of
a weekend with several activities planned on campus.

In particular, the Grad House has a major barbecue set for this evening.
Saturday afternoon, students from India (and other interested people)
are invited to a 2:30 talk in Davis Centre room 1304. The speaker is
Jitendra Vir Gupta, a prominent Indian jurist, whose topic is "Rediscovering
India: Our Common Heritage and Culture".  And it's homecoming weekend
at Wilfrid Laurier University.

COMMUNITY CAMPAIGN:  Here's a slight correction to the mention in
yesterday's Bulletin of a draw (set for next Thursday) offering prizes
to everyone who's contributed to the Community Campaign.  (That's the
portion of Campaign Waterloo that's out to raise $3 million over five
years from staff, faculty and retirees.)  We said that the draw included
everyone who's made a 1993-94 pledge to the Campaign.  In fact, says 
Pat Cunningham of the development office, donors from all years will 
be included, with one chance to win for each year for which they've made
a gift or pledge.

CHARITY RUN COMING:  Next weekend (October 1-3) will see a major charity
fund-raising project based at St. Jerome's College.  The annual 48-hour
run around the UW ring road will be joined by a barbecue, a coffee house,
all-night movies and other activities.  This year the weekend is supporting
The Working Centre, a Kitchener-Waterloo organization that provides 
re-entry training and short-term help to unemployed people.

PLEADS GUILTY:  Tariq Aziz Qureshi pleaded guilty in provincial court
Wednesday to a charge of possession of stolen property -- including thousands
of dollars' worth of computer equipment, and more than 100 UW keys --
found in his room in Village 1 in February 1992.  He will be sentenced
in January.  The court was told that UW spent some $34,000 changing locks
after master keys were stolen in December 1991.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004