Friday, September 17, 1993

MONEY FOR RESEARCH:  A UW-sponsored golf tournament yesterday raised
about $30,000 for research into Alzheimer's disease, based in the faculty
of applied health sciences, says the director of development, Don
Livingston.  The tournament was held at Glen Abbey golf course and
involved both UW people and friends and colleagues of Ken Murray, former
president of J. M. Schneider Inc., who was a major figure in launching
a three-year, $400,000 Alzheimer research project this past summer.

TA'S GET TRAINING:  A university-wide workshop for Teaching Assistants
runs from 1 to 4 p.m. today in Needles Hall room 3041.  Sponsored by
TRACE (the office of teaching resources and continuing education) and the
dean of graduate studies, it's designed to give graduate student TA's some
initial help with classroom and marking skills.

DINOSAUR EVENT:  Canada Post is announcing today that four postage stamps
picturing dinosaurs, which are to be issued October 1, will be launched
with a special event in UW's biology and earth sciences museum, under the
shadow of the 13-foot Albertosaurus on its wall. Children from a local
school will take part in a simulated palaeontological dig in the museum
as the stamps are introduced to the public.

THIS WEEKEND:  Biggest event of the weekend on campus is the Terry Fox
run in support of cancer research; it gets going from Federation Hall at
1 p.m. on Sunday.  Information: 743-9396.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004