Thursday, September 16, 1993

RETIREMENT PLANNING: This fall, two pre-retirement planning courses are 
being held in Kitchener-Waterloo, says Linda Bluhm of UW's personnel
department.  The City of Waterloo will run "Invest the Rest"
starting Tuesday evening, September 21, for 10 weeks.  The Kiwanis Club
of Rockway will hold an 8-week course starting Wednesday evening, October 6.
The registration fee for UW faculty and staff members is paid by the
university, and there is an additional charge for spouses.  Anyone
interested should contact Linda Bluhm in personnel (ext. 2046) as soon 
as possible.

COUNTRY TONIGHT:  Tickets are still available for tonight's concert by
Cassandra Vasik, who's on her way to a Canadian Country Music Award a few
days from now.  The show is at 8 p.m. in the Humanities Theatre -- box
office is open until 4:30 today and reopens at 7:00.  Ticket price: $10.

SPORTS GET GOING:  This is the week for organizational meetings as
the campus recreation program starts for the fall.  Activities from archery
to equestrianism are offered.  Organizational meetings tonight are for
badminton at 6:30 and Kendo ("the way of the sword") at 7:00.  Information:
the campus rec office, ext. 6333.

SAFETY AND SECURITY:  A brochure titled "Your Guide to Personal Safety and
Security on Campus" has just appeared, with everything from emergency
phone numbers (UW police, 888-4911) to advice on locking your car and
being careful around strangers in elevators.  Extra copies of the 
black-and-gold brochure are available from the safety office at ext. 3587.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004