Tuesday, September 14, 1993

EMERGENCY LINK:  A new feature has been added to the modern pay phones
around campus.  A single button (no coin required) will connect callers
to the UW police, 888-4911.  To draw attention to this safety feature,
Bell has a promotion going in the Campus Centre today, tomorrow and
Thursday: students will be demonstrating the phones, and there will be
a draw for free services from the phone company.

Another telephone service was added on campus over the summer: you
can now dial UW at 888-4567 and use a Touch-Tone phone to be connected
to the extension you want, whether or not the switchboard is open.
The familiar 885-1211 number continues in operation for people without
Touch-Tone phones and people who don't know what extension they want,
but night and weekend hours are limited at that number.

THE DAY'S EVENTS:  "It's just a zoo everywhere," a colleague just told
us.  Here's a reminder that day-by-day events -- a listing similar to
the one in each week's Gazette Billboard, but more up-to-date -- can
be found electronically on UWinfo.

And if you're the organizer of an event, please let this office know,
through paper mail or by e-mail at gazette@watdcs, so we can list the
activity in a timely way on UWinfo and in the Gazette.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004