Friday, September 3, 1993

LABOUR DAY WEEKEND:  Monday is Labour Day, and a holiday.  UW offices and
most services (including the libraries) will be closed.  The department of
computing services says its Input-Output room will be closed both Sunday
and Monday, but open the usual hours on Saturday.

HERE THEY COME:  But the campus will be busy Monday with the arrival of
students into residence.  A parents' reception, for members of the older
generation arriving with their tender little ones who are entering first
year, will be held in Federation Hall from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.  Information
will be available about various UW services as well as the faculties.
At 11:30 and 1:30, UW president Jim Downey will speak.

"Single and Sexy", the play about sexual attitudes that's a joint project
of the health and safety department and a group of drama students, will
have its 1993 premiere in the Theatre of the Arts shortly after Downey's
1:30 talk.  "Single and Sexy" will also be performed at various campus
locations next Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday; admission is free.

HOW MANY?  As of yesterday, the registrar's office says it is expecting
3,514 full-time first-year students, which is actually 2.8 per cent more
than the "target" for September 1 set earlier this year.  That fits with
yesterday's media reports that universities across the province are getting
more students than they really wanted, presumably thanks to the lack of
other options for young people (i.e. jobs).  Arts, typically, is a little
below target -- arts students generally make up their minds last -- while
science is looking at 13 per cent more students than it had wanted.

The 3,514 new students include 2,956 coming from Ontario grade 13 and 558
others -- from other provinces or countries, or arriving after work or
community college experience.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004