Thursday, September 2, 1993

INVENTORS' PROGRAM:  Check the TV listings this Sunday for CTV's current
affairs program "W5" -- it's expected to feature the UW-based Canadian
Industrial Innovation Centre and some of the successful inventors it has
helped over the years.  (The program was originally broadcast last January.)

Among the activities planned by the CIIC this fall are a Workshop for
Inventors and Entrepreneurs (September 18, later in the year in Sault
Ste. Marie, Edmonton and Toronto) and an Inventors' Workshop for Toys and
Games, September 25 in Toronto.  The CIIC is based at 156 Columbia Street,
phone 885-5870.

WORKSHOP FOR TA'S:  The Teaching Resource Office has announced its annual
UW-wide teaching assistant workshop, to be held September 17 (the Friday
of the first week of classes) from 1 to 4 p.m.  It's intended for "novice
and experienced TA's", concentrating on "effective presentation skills in
and outside of the classroom . . . marking, providing student feedback, and
answering students' questions".  Information: TRACE, ext. 3132.  Several
academic departments, and the entire faculty of engineering, are offering
their own TA workshops during the early days of September.

FREE MUFFINS:  The Pastry Plus outlet in Needles Hall was doing a roaring
business this morning, with a steady stream of customers clutching their
free-muffin coupon from yesterday's Gazette.  The same offer is good at
the Davis Centre, but quantities are limited.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004