Wednesday, September 1, 1993

NOW IN OFFICE:  But not in the office until next week is Robin Banks,
who officially becomes associate provost (academic affairs) as of today.
Starting Tuesday he'll be in the executive suite on the third floor of
Needles Hall, at phone ext. 4041.  Banks, a former dean of arts and acting
provost, has taken a one-year appointment to the associate provost's job,
which makes him responsible for the library, the co-op department, the
registrar's office and similar support services, as well as a share of
the general responsibility for managing UW.

THE EDMONDS CASE:  Today's Gazette includes a statement from the dean of
mathematics, Jack Kalbfleisch, outlining the settlement of the long-running
Jack Edmonds case, by which Edmonds is retroactively returned to his 
post in the department of combinatorics and optimization, on a reduced-
load basis and assigned to research.

The dean notes that his statement was issued because UW management and
Edmonds were not able to reach agreement on the text of a joint statement,
which was supposed to be issued according to the overall settlement they
signed in July.

Latest development: the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee of the faculty
association has taken exception to the appearance of a statement from the
dean. It says Kalbfleisch acted in violation of his agreement with
Edmonds that word to the UW community would come through a joint statement.
There is also concern that the dean's statement includes information
that should have been kept confidential.  The committee is "seriously 
concerned" by the violation of the July agreement, says committee
chair Roman Dubinski.  Next week's Gazette will have the text of a letter
from the AF&T Committee.

A PERSONAL NOTE:  It was twenty years ago today that I joined the full-time
staff of UW (my job title then was simply "editor of the Gazette").  Through 
these years there have been bad times as well as good times, of course, 
but I remain very proud to work at the University of Waterloo.  I'd like to 
express thanks to all the people who have helped and encouraged me, all 
the people from whom I have learned.  To mention some would be to omit 
others, so let me name only two -- Jack Adams, who hired me in 1973, 
and Jan Rohrbach, my assistant throughout these twenty years.  And my 
thanks also to all the people who are still taking the trouble to read the 
things I have written!

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs