Thursday, October 28, 1993

DON'T PUT IT OFF:  Students are reminded that tomorrow is the last
possible day for registration (i.e., fee payment) for the fall term.
Late fees are already being charged.  The registrar's office in Needles
Hall, which will be more than happy to discuss paperwork with anybody
who hasn't paid up, notes that many official schedules are still
waiting to be picked up.

GOING TO NOVA SCOTIA:  Ted Rhodes, well known at Waterloo as chair of
the chemical engineering department until 1986, has been named president
of the Technical University of Nova Scotia.  He moves to Halifax
January 1 from his present post as dean of engineering at the University
of Calgary.

DIRECTOR OF CO-OP:  Bruce Lumsden, associate registrar in charge of
distance education, has been named Interim Director of the department
of co-op education and career services.  He takes that post November 1
with the retirement of co-op director Jim Wilson, and will hold it "while
recruiting proceeds for a new director", says a memo issued by the
associate provost (academic affairs).

RETIREMENT SEMINAR:  Staff who are "five to 25 years" from retirement
may want to attend a seminar being offered at noon hour today by the
staff association.  Experts from The Mutual Group will talk about 
"Retirement Planning: Why Start Now?" from 12 to 1 in Math and Computer
room 1052.

HAGEY LECTURE:  Last night's Hagey Lecture by Andrea Lunsford, on
"Intellectual Property in an Age of Information", was videotaped by the
audio-visual centre.  The tape will be shown on Rogers Cable ("community
channel" 20) at a date yet to be announced.

LIST OF DEANS:  The list of deans and associate deans -- with the lengths
of their terms, phone numbers, secretaries' names and other information
-- has been updated on UWinfo.  It can be found under the heading "About
the University of Waterloo", then "Names and Departments".  The lists of
academic and non-academic department heads there are still the 1992
edition, but I hope to have them updated soon.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004