Wednesday, October 27, 1993

HALLOWE'EN must be near -- check out the observatory atop the Physics
building, which has turned orange overnight and acquired a manic
jack-o'-lantern grin.  Among holiday festivities scheduled on campus,
by the way, is a costume competition Saturday night in the Bombshelter
pub in the Campus Centre.

HAGEY LECTURE:  Andrea Lunsford of Ohio State is on campus today and
tomorrow as this year's Hagey Lecturer.  Her major talk is at 8 tonight
in the Humanities Theatre.  Topic: "Intellectual Property in an Age of
Information -- What's at Stake for the Academy".  In other words, who
owns ideas, what are the challenges universities and authors face in
connection with copyright law, and what does the electronic world do to
refereed journals?  Admission to tonight's lecture is free; the Humanities
box office has tickets.

Tomorrow from 9:30 to 12, Lunsford will lead an informal session on
literacy issues -- Needles Hall room 3001.

POET'S COMING:  Well-known Canadian writer Sandra Birdsell, who was
writer-in-residence at UW a few years ago, will visit Conrad Grebel 
College next week and will give an informal reading Tuesday, November 2,
at 8 p.m. in Grebel's board room.  All are welcome.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004