Monday, October 25, 1993 MY THANKS to Martin Van Nierop, who wrote Friday's Daily Bulletin in my absence. There were some legibility problems for some users, caused by the transfer of a Microsoft Word file to a Unix system; they have been corrected in the permanent copy of that Bulletin kept on UWinfo. CANADA VOTES today -- for the second year in a row, in the wake of a Blue Jay World Series championship. The polls are open until 8 this evening. By federal law, employers are required to allow their employees to have four clear hours to vote; that means that someone whose working hours at UW are 8:30 to 4:30 must be permitted to leave at 4 today, although it's hard to imagine that there are many people at UW who would need four hours to get home and cast a ballot. As for the Blue Jay championship, well, I'd be glad to hear from someone who was at Federation Hall on Saturday night and can describe the scene there when Joe Carter hit his game-ending home run. Such a description would be worth quoting in this week's Gazette. CHANCE TO RETIRE: UW's early retirement programs, under the heading of "faculty and staff renewal", are about to expire. The deadline for eligible staff and faculty members to apply is a week from today: Monday, November 1. Who's eligible? Automatically, faculty and non-union staff who will be aged 60 or over, with 20 years of UW service, on January 1, 1994. Also, faculty and staff (union or non-union) who will be aged 55 or over, with 15 years of UW service, on that date, if their retirement can be used by their department as an opportunity to reorganize and reduce the continuing budget. Anyone who needs last-minute information should get in touch with Linda Bluhm of the personnel department, phone ext. 2046. Chris Redmond Information and Public Affairs credmond@watserv1 ext. 3004