Daily Bulletin, Friday, October 22  

% After years of slogging, 1,073 undergrads and graduate students will receive 
degrees in UW's 67th convocation tomorrow. Ceremonies will be held (Saturday, 
10 a.m. and 2 p.m.) in the physical activities complex. This is a special 
convocation marking the 25th anniversary of UW's correspondence program. 
There will be 122 distance education graduates (students who took more than 
half their course by correspondence) in the class.
Honorary degrees will go to: John Daniel, of the Open University in Britain, 
Margaret Wade Labarge of Carleton University, Cathleen Morawetz of New 
York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Jean Pigott, 
former chair of the National Capital Commission.  Kinesiology's Dr. Norm 
Ashton, and retired professors Janos Aczel (pure math), Bill Forbes 
(gerontology) and Peter Nash (former dean, environmental studies) will 
all receive Professor Emeritus titles.

% There's a Bacchus Bonfire tonight (Friday) at Columbia Lake,  7 p.m.
Bacchus, of course, promotes alcohol-free student activities. The event 
winds up Alcohol Awareness week.

% There will be a tree-planting today at 4 p.m., north side of Matthews 
Hall, in memory of Linda Hastie, graduate student who died April 10. 
It's organized by the Graduate Association of Recreation and Leisure Studies. 
Ext. 3894.

% UW's Midnight Sun team is at the Wheels 94 auto show at Bingeman Park this 
weekend.  The Midnight Sun II solar car will be there, along with team members 
who will be representing the university.  Of course, there's an added 
tie-in at this year's show because the K-W Car and Truck Dealers Association 
is promoting UW's Campaign Waterloo, and is chipping in $25 for every new 
car sold or leased until the end of December.