Wednesday, October 20, 1993

HOLIDAY SCHEDULE:  The official schedule of UW holidays (days that
UW offices and services will be closed, and staff can stay home) has
now been approved through 1998.  I have posted it to UWinfo, under
the "Gazette" heading, and it will appear in print in next week's

CREDIT UNION:  The front page of today's Gazette says a general meeting
of the University Faculty and Staff (Waterloo) Credit Union Ltd. is to
be held at noon hour today.  That's wrong.  Page 2 says, correctly, that
the meeting is tomorrow (Thursday), 12:00, Davis Centre room 1403.

YOU'LL LAUGH and you'll cry -- the cliches are more or less true about
"Dusa, Fish, Stas & Vi", the drama department production that opens
tonight.  So says Joyce Hahn, the department's secretary, who notes that
tickets are still available (and it's unreserved seating, so arrive
early).  The whole cast is women, four of them with interlocking and
complicated lives.  And what are the male drama students doing while
this show's in production?  "Oh, they're building the set," I was told.
"Dusa, Fish, Stas & Vi" runs tonight through Saturday, 8 p.m., Theatre of
the Arts, Modern Languages building.  Then stay tuned for "Twelfth Night",
opening November 24.

MUSIC TONIGHT:  "Mounting Picasso", tonight in the Humanities Theatre,
is described by the Gazette's Cecilia as "an extremely ambitious opener 
by the NuMus organization". With music by WLU's Peter Hatch and words 
by Gertrude Stein (her 1923 "word portrait" of Picasso), it's said to be 
"instrumental theatre", non-narrative music theatre that "extends the 
scope of musical performance"; lots of images, video and otherwise, and 
some audience involvement. The Blue Rider Ensemble, an assemblage
of outstanding musicians from across Canada, provides the music.  Tickets
are $15 and $10.  The show is repeated tomorrow night.
CANADIAN POET Di Brandt is the guest of honour at the community supper
this evening at Conrad Grebel College.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004