Tuesday, October 19, 1993

STUDENT IS MOURNED:  Gretchen Mueller, a fourth-year biochemistry
student, died Thursday at Hamilton General Hospital after a brief
illness.  The funeral service was held yesterday morning in Waterloo.
A scholarship fund is planned in her memory, with details to be
announced shortly.

CANDIDATES TO SPEAK:  The Waterloo candidates in next week's federal
election will be appearing at Federation Hall tonight at 7:00.  The
all-candidates' meeting is sponsored by the Vote Education campaign,
organized chiefly by the Federation of Students.  Everybody is welcome.

OUR FLAGGING BANNER:  The Maple Leaf hasn't been flying at the University
Avenue entrance to campus for the past couple of days.   The problem 
isn't a lack of patriotism, just a snag in the metal cord on the flagpole.
Repairs are pending, the university police advise.

STAFF TRAINING:  The personnel department says space is still available
in several of the "staff training and development" sessions announced
for this fall:
   StreetSmart for Women, October 27 (morning or afternoon)
   Coping With Change, December 9 (all day)
   FrontLine Leadership, Managing Change and Innovation, November 4-18
   FrontLine Leadership, Developing Team Performance, November 2-16
Anyone interested should call Marg Letter at ext. 6645.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004