Monday, October 18, 1993

FREE PARKING:  Commuters displaced from parking lot M near Matthews Hall,
which now has a kiosk and charges by the hour, can find relief north of
Columbia Street.  There's a brand-new parking lot there, and it's free.

"Free" is temporary, but the parking lot is permanent, and has space
for 600 cars.  There will be a 50-cent charge once the entrance gates
are installed, some time in November, says parking supervisor Phil McKay.
That's still the cheapest parking on campus, because the lot is
gravel-surfaced.  You'll find it by turning north, instead of south, 
at the traffic lights on Columbia Street; it's ahead and to the right.

Parking lot M is being turned into the main lot for visitors, and charges
$1 per hour.  The current visitor area, lot D under Needles Hall, will 
shortly be converted to other purposes.

TALKING SEX:  Sue Johanson, sex therapist and lecturer with a comic
kick, will be talking at Federation Hall at 12 noon today.  Her appearance
is sponsored by BACCHUS, the student-led alcohol-moderation group, which
is organizing Alcohol Awareness Week today through Friday on campus.  All
are welcome.

WARRIOR VICTORY:  The football Warriors came away victorious over the
Laurier Golden Hawks on Saturday afternoon, 43-35.  The soggy afternoon
at Seagram Stadium also featured a tug-of-war to publicize the United Way
campaign; WLU was the winner in that contest.  A total of 28 interuniversity
sports teams were in action on the weekend, says Dena Deglau of the 
athletics department, who's scurrying this morning to assemble as many
of the results as possible for reporting in Wednesday's Gazette.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004