Friday, October 15, 1993

THE UNITED WAY:  Organizers of the United Way campaign on campus
say faculty and staff givings have reached $73,056, on the way to a
goal of $183,000.  The participation rate is 12.26 per cent so far.

The United Way supports 54 agencies in Kitchener-Waterloo.  "Services
cost on average only 10-15% of the cost of comparable publicly and
privately funded services," says a brochure explaining why the 
United Way is the "cost effective" approach to helping.  Among the
results: "700 community youth are counselled annually by United Way
agencies on avoidance of criminal and violent behaviour."

Anyone who doesn't have a pledge form, but is interested in contributing,
can call the on-campus office being used for the United Way campaign:
phone ext. 3840.

MONKS WILL PERFORM:  Monday evening (October 18) will see a performance
at Renison College by ten monks from the Ganden Jangtse Monastery in
Tibet.  The event is described as "a cultural evening of Tibetan art
and spirituality . . . a very colourful 90-minute presentation of
traditional dance, music, techniques of meditation and accompanying
commentary on the history and symbolism of Tibetan spirituality".  There
will be displays and tables of items for sale.  The event starts at
8 p.m. on Monday; it's sponsored by Renison and by the UW department of
religious studies.  Tickets are $10, students $5, at the door or from
the college at 884-4400.

THIS WEEKEND:  Oktoberfest is in high gear across Kitchener-Waterloo and
even on campus.  Tickets for partying at Federation Hall tonight and
Saturday are available (if there are any left) at the Federation of
Students office in the Campus Centre.  Gentler events include Connie
Kaldor in concert tonight at Emmanuel United Church (box office 747-8765)
and a Women's Issues Committee coffee-house on Saturday night at the
Grad House.

A Volunteer Fair today and tomorrow at Fairview Park Mall presents
opportunities for being involved in more than 40 community organizations.
Information: the Volunteer Action Centre, 742-8610.  (On campus, there's
the Student Volunteer Centre in the CC, phone ext. 2051.)

And this from the chemistry department:  "Graduate Students from Yale
University are arriving on Friday, October 15, 1993, to participate in
the First Annual Waterloo-Yale Hockey Game for Chemistry Graduate
Students.  There will be several informal seminars starting at 7:30
p.m. on Friday in the reading room (C2-361) prior to the hockey game,
followed by a reception."

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004