Wednesday, October 13, 1993

VOTE EDUCATION:  As the October 25 federal election approaches, the
student-led Vote Education campaign has been assembling the views of
local candidates on issues related to education.  The Federation of
Students has announced a news conference for 1 p.m. today (outside the
Campus Centre) at which it will release a pamphlet prepared with a
summary of the candidates' comments.

CAR DEALERS' PROMOTION:  A letter went across campus last week, and an
ad appears in today's Gazette, announcing a special promotion that's 
part of Campaign Waterloo.  Sponsored by the local Car and Truck Dealers
Association, it involves a $25 gift to the university from the dealers
for each new car bought or leased in Kitchener-Waterloo between October 1
and December 31.  A total of 19 dealers are involved.

SOFTWARE DONATION:  Representatives from the Canadian Portland Cement
Association were on campus yesterday to donate a software package,
PCA-Frame, to the civil engineering department (and demonstrate its use
in a student seminar).  PCA-Frame is described as "a state-of-the-art
structural design software program that performs three-dimensional
analyses of buildings".  Universities across Canada are being given
copies of the software for instructional use.  CPCA represents makers
of Portland cement, the central ingredient in the commonest form of
construction concrete.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004