Tuesday, October 12, 1993

EARTHQUAKE RELIEF:  The Waterloo Indian Researchers Association is helping
to rally help for the thousands of victims of the recent earthquake in
India.  "Over 30,000 people have died and another 60,000 have been injured,"
says a WIRA flyer sent out last week.  "The least we can do is contribute
generously towards the fund-raising efforts to help the victims.  The funds
being raised are needed for food, clothing, medicines and other essential

Cheques made out to WIRA can be sent to Dr. Krishna Naikwadi in the
chemistry department; they will be forwarded to the earthquake relief
fund administered by The Times of India, Bombay.  Another agency helping
in the same effort is the Canadian Red Cross Society (742-2785).

SENATE WILL MEET:  UW's senate is scheduled to meet Monday evening,
October 18.  On the agenda:  the annual report of the University Tenure
Appeal Committee; the annual report of the Advisory Council on Academic
Human Resources; a report from the Council of Ontario Universities.
Senate members have been sent an advance warning that the February
senate meeting is being rescheduled -- it was to fall on Monday, February
21, which is the day that UW will be closed thanks to the Social Contract.
The senate will meet Tuesday, February 22, instead.

WHAT UW CLUB enjoys taking people through such mire that they come out
with even their underwear muddy?  See tomorrow's Gazette for the answer.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004