Friday, October 8, 1993

THANKSGIVING weekend is upon us.  Monday, October 11, is a UW holiday;
classes are cancelled, offices are closed, and most services won't be
in operation.  The libraries are completely closed Monday, for example,
and the department of computing services says its Input-Output room --
open Saturday and Sunday as usual -- will be closed Monday.

The Campus Centre never closes, of course, and neither do the UW
Police (emergencies phone 888-4911) or the central plant, which keeps
heat, light and power flowing to UW buildings.

This weekend every year marks the beginning of Oktoberfest.  Wayne Hussey,
until recently a staff member in UW's development office, is the new
executive director of K-W Oktoberfest. He could be heard on the radio
this morning urging all comers to head for Kitchener's new city hall at
noon today to watch the "tapping of the keg" that begins the annual
cultural festival (certainly not a "beer festival").

GIFTS TO ACCOUNTANCY:  At a news conference this morning, two financial 
donations -- one from a retired executive and another from a national 
accounting and auditing firm -- will be made to the UW school of accountancy.
The gifts will be used "to establish a UW centre for accounting education 
to promote and enhance the education of accounting students at UW and across 
Canada".  We'll have details in the Gazette next week or, this being a
holiday weekend, the following week.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS holds its weekly on-campus meeting at noon hour today
in the Health and Safety building.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004