Thursday, October 7, 1993

"THE SUN IS shining and the Blue Jays are winning," the cheerful man
at Pastry Plus told me this morning.  Not so the field hockey Athenas,
who lost 6-0 last night to a University of Toronto team led by two of
Canada's Olympians.  (They'll play a return match tomorrow as part of
a tournament at the University of Guelph.)

PLANTS FOR SALE: The Engineering Society is holding a plant sale in the
Engineering 2 foyer from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. today and Friday. All proceeds
go to Anselma House, which is a shelter for battered women. "Come on out 
and green yourself while helping a GREAT cause!" says Alison Pearse,
public relations director for EngSoc.

WHAT'S LOST IS FOUND:  Many people on campus aren't aware of the central
Lost and Found facility -- it's in the police station in the Central
Services Building, along the ring road near the smokestack, and is open
24 hours a day.  "We've got bicycles here," the duty sergeant told me
this morning, "and keys, textbooks, notes, shoes, socks, glasses,
calculators.  We had a telephone here once!"  Among the other items
currently waiting to be claimed by their owners is a toilet, thought to
be left over from a scavenger hunt.

There are local lost-and-found services in such places as the Campus
Centre (turnkey desk), the Physical Activities Complex (tote room), and
the Engineering Society and Science Society offices, but what's accumulated
there is collected by the police every week and kept at Central Services.
If you've lost your car keys or your sunglasses, that's where to look.
(Or if you've lost your toilet and have nothing to go on.)

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004