Wednesday, October 6, 1993

TAKE YOUR OWN CUP:  It's "no disposable cup day" at food services outlets.
In other words, you can't get styrofoam to put your coffee or tea in --
you've got to bring your own cup along, or buy a Lug-a-Mug (now available
in the regular size or the giant 22-ouncer).  The cup-free day is part of
Waste Reduction Week, now under way.

PHONE SAVINGS:  The Federation of Students has announced a deal 
with Metrowide Communications, a long distance telephone services 
reseller that will provide discounts to students on their long 
distance calls.  "Metrowide's 'Take 30' program is a free service for
students, staff and faculty with no sign-up fee, no monthly charges 
and no monthly minimum usage," says Jason Sack, the Feds liaison 
official with Metrowide Communications.  It offers 30 per cent off all 
calls within Canada and the United States, over and above Bell Canada's 
own discounts, plus 20 per cent off all international calls, and
access to USA-only "800" numbers from Canada for 20 cents a minute. 
That will appeal to "people using tech support lines for computer firms 
in the United States," Sack says.  Information brochures and application 
forms are available from the Fed office in the Campus Centre.

BUDGET DEFICIT:  UW's operating budget will have a $412,000 deficit in
the current year, the board of governors was told yesterday.  That's
happening in spite of more cuts -- the Academic Development Fund and the
Teaching Equipment Fund, which were each originally to be $918,000 for
the year, have been cut back to $550,000 apiece, meaning various projects
in the faculties won't be happening, and lab equipment will have to be
patched for another year.  Altogether, UW's budget has been cut by some
$10 million since it was originally approved last spring.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004