Tuesday, October 5, 1993

BOARD MEETING:  UW's board of governors will meet this afternoon
(Needles Hall 3001, 3:30 p.m.) with an agenda that includes the latest
update on the 1993-94 budget, as well as a provincial task force report
on "University Accountability".

The 1992-93 financial statement will also be presented.  It shows that
in the past year (which ended April 30, 1993), UW had total income of
$297,426,000 -- up 1.6 per cent from the previous year's figure.  That
includes $186,924,000 in the operating budget; the rest is made up of
research funds ($55 million), ancillary or business enterprises ($41
million), capital funding and trust and endowment funds.  The operating
budget had expenses of $185,600,000, but the operating fund still has an
accumulated deficit because of deficits in previous years.

STUDENTS HONOURED:  A banquet in South Campus Hall this evening will
honour dozens of students -- selected by the faculties and various
non-academic departments -- for their achievements in campus life, 
research, work term activity, sports, student organizations and the
community.  The event is hosted by the chairman of the board of governors
and organized by the office of the associate provost (student affairs),
and many board members as well as UW officials will be guests.  Next
week's Gazette will publish a list of the students being honoured at
this annual awards dinner.

FOR A GOOD CAUSE:  The United Way campaign on campus has so far attracted
gifts and pledges of $30,192, says co-chair Helen Kilbride.  This first
campaign report includes gifts from 158 faculty and staff members, a
participation rate of 4.6 per cent. By the time the campaign ends, 
organizers are hoping for a total of $183,000 and a participation rate
ahead of last year's 30.5 per cent.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004