Monday, October 4, 1993

IT'S WASTE WEEK: Waste Reduction Week is from October 4 to October 10 
this year, with the expressed goal of encouraging people to intensify 
their waste reduction efforts.  Among the events scheduled at UW is a
live four hour North American satellite link seminar tomorrow, under
the title "Turning Recyclables into New Products: Growing Business 
Opportunities". It's presented by UW Waste Management and the department 
of environment and resource studies. The seminar is being held in 
Davis Centre room 1301 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., and is also available
on channel 13 on cable in lecture halls. The three sessions of the 
seminar are "Recyclable Materials: Quantity, Quality and Location",
"Regulations and Development Strategies", and " Financing a Business 
That Produces Recycled Products".

And Brad Wright, who's running the waste management office while Patty
Cook is on leave, adds: "Tuesday is composting day so there will be a
draw for two backyard composters!!"

Wednesday, Food Services is having a "disposable cup free day". Customers 
will be encouraged to bring their own mugs or buy a Lug-A-Mug.

ELECTION'S COMING:  Waterloo residents who need to get onto the voters'
list for the October 25 federal election can call Elections Canada at
884-1038.  Those who want to be on the voters' list in other ridings, such
as students who prefer to vote in the community where their parents live,
can start the paperwork by picking up the necessary form from the Campus
Centre post office or the Federation of Students office, or calling
(800) 267-8683.

LECTURE TONIGHT:  The Institute for Computer Research launches its fall
series of public lectures tonight with a talk by Dr. Savvas Chamberlain of
the electrical and computer engineering department.  His topic: "Creation
of New Technological Industries and the Role of Universities".  It's
free; Davis Centre 1302, 8 p.m.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004