Tuesday, November 30, 1993

TODAY IN THE CC:  Waterloo firefighters will be in the Campus Centre
today and tomorrow (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) selling and signing copies of their
1994 calendar, which is a popular local pinup and supports three charity
organizations: Big Sisters, the Sunshine Foundation and St. Monica House.

IN CASE OF SNOW:  As yesterday's Bulletin noted, any closing of UW because
of severe winter weather will be announced on local radio stations.  Several
people asked for a listing of stations and their frequencies, which is
supplied by Jim Fox, manager of UW's news bureau:
  AM stations: 570 (CKGL), 1090 (CKKW)
  FM stations: 96.7 (CHYM), 98.7 (CKWR), 105.3 (CFCA)

If the university is closing, I will also post an announcement to UWinfo as
soon as possible -- look for "Flash" on the main menu.  But both posting to
UWinfo and reading it from off-campus are dependent on phone lines, which 
are sometimes unavailable or overloaded during storms.

MOXY FRUVOUS:  Tonight's peformance by that popular band is sold out, but
there are still tickets for tomorrow's show (Humanities Theatre, 8 p.m.),
according to the theatre centre box office.

WHEN'S PAYDAY?  Faculty and monthly-paid staff will get their next salary
cheques on Wednesday, December 22.  (Normal payday, the last Friday of the
month, would have been December 31, when UW will be closed.)  Payday in
January will also be a Wednesday, January 26.

Staff who are paid biweekly can also look for a paycheque on Wedesday,
December 22, instead of the normal date, which would have been Thursday,
December 23.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004