Friday, November 26, 1993

YES, THERE WAS a Daily Bulletin yesterday.  Technical problems (in other
words, I made a typographical error in the software) kept it hidden on
UWinfo for much of the day.  It can still be found there today, of course.
The main items in yesterday's Bulletin:
  American Thanksgiving
  Engineering Society election
  Results of environmental studies student referendum
  OSAP sends "documents", not cheques
  Position available: secretary to dean of engineering
  Wanted for possible article: people who make Christmas crafts

FUNDING REVIEW:  Dave Cooke, the Ontario minister of education, has
announced a "review" of the formula by which universities are funded.
The review is to be done by the Ontario Council on University Affairs,
taking into account several major considerations that Cooke listed:
accessibility, teaching ("must have a more central role"), "the role
universities have in an integrated educational system", "ways and means
to ensure that scarce resources are used effectively", and "sharing and
cooperation among our universities, colleges and others".

Said Cooke, speaking in the Legislature: "OCUA will examine the current
breakdown of spending between teaching, administration, research and
community service . . . the balance between these areas as well as the
accountability for the resources that are dedicated to each".  He said 
he is "aware that there are those who say" the university system needs
more money.  "But what is clear is that our universities and this
government must work together to find new ways of providing services."

MATH VISITORS:  On campus today are several dozen grade 11 students from
local high schools.  They're attending "Expanding Your Horizons", a 
one-day program sponsored by the student Math Society with help from
the departmental math clubs.  It's aimed at giving high schoolers an
exposure to the many kinds of math they might choose for their futures.

CHRISTMAS IS COMING:  Two events that have become UW traditions will be
happening again this December; announcements of both arrived yesterday.
On Wednesday, December 8, the music department will hold its choral concert
in the Davis Centre great hall (12:15 p.m.).  A week later, on Wednesday,
December 15, also at 12:15, will be the carol-sing in the Modern Languages
lobby organized by the dean of arts office.  

THIS WEEKEND:  "Twelfth Night" continues in the Theatre of the Arts
(Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.).  Heavy shoppers are off to Square One and
Dixie Value Mall tomorrow on a bus trip sponsored by the staff association.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004