Wednesday, November 24, 1993

CHEQUES ARE HERE:  The student awards office says cheques have arrived
from the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) for the second installment
of fall term loans.  These are the cheques that should have been here about
October 15, but were delayed because a new computer system was being 
introduced at OSAP's offices in Thunder Bay, says awards officer Joanne
Wade.  Hungry recipients can pick them up now in Needles Hall.

A WINTER'S PLAY:  "Twelfth Night" opens this evening at 8 in the Theatre
of the Arts, and runs through Saturday.  Maybe you thought Twelfth Night
was January 6, but those are definitely snowflakes floating through the
air this morning, so the wintry show is an appropriate one.  Starring drama
students, this production is an "adaptation" of Shakespeare's work by
drama professor Joel Greenberg, who came to Waterloo in part to direct
musicals, and will demonstrate it in a "Twelfth Night" that incorporates
every kind of music from the madrigal to the samba.  The drama department
and the Humanities box office have tickets.

Barbara Yeaman of environmental studies and Annemarie Willms of data
processing can both, if they wish, see the show free.  They were winners
of complimentary tickets to any drama department production in a draw last
Friday, conducted as part of UW's United Way campaign.  Other prizes from
books to free tickets were also handed out; we'll have the full list in 
next week's Gazette.

POLICE NOTE:  Waterloo Regional Police are "still actively pursuing" the
brief series of armed robberies that took place in UW parking lots and near
campus four weeks ago.  There have been no more incidents since that time,
says Brian Bradley of the UW police.  Two slightly-built young men, described
as "Asian", took money from several students on October 27 and 29; one was
armed with a large knife.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004