Friday, November 19, 1993

TODAY'S FASHIONS:  United Way campaigners designated today as "Casual
Day", and the idea has caught on in some parts of UW.  The idea is that
people who normally dress up for work dress down instead, paying $2 for
"permission" to show up in jeans.  At a university, the results can be 
hard to measure. "Haven't seen too many people," reports Stephen Carr 
of engineering computing, "but the ones I've seen are dressed as usual, 
which is casual anyway!"

From Beth Moore Milroy of urban and regional planning: "Just arrived; 
haven't seen anyone yet.  I'm dressed as usual, having already made my 
contribution!  Oops -- just saw one person in cotton ducks and sweatshirt 
-- looking very casual."  And from a staff member who had better remain
unidentified: "My personal way of demonstrating 'casualness' today, is 
by not being aware that this IS casual day!  I think in some ways this 
is the greatest tribute one can pay to such an occasion!  (By an odd 
coincidence, I wore a tie today for the first time in weeks.  It somehow 
just seemed right.)"

Casual or not, you can still make a contribution to the United Way
campaign, which supports close to 50 local service and charitable agencies.
The on-campus effort has raised $133,337 at last report, still well short
of its $183,000 goal.  Want to pitch in?  Call ext. 3840.  A luncheon in
Needles Hall today will see UW president James Downey, and United Way
executives from downtown, congratulate the on-campus volunteers.  And
they'll use a computer to draw names for a number of thank-you prizes for
lucky donors.

DIG OUT THOSE BOOKS: December 8 is the due date for UW library books 
charged out on "term loan" for the fall. If you plan to renew such books, 
the library advises, you can do so anytime before the 8th and the new due 
date will be April 13, 1994.  And, of course, any time before the 8th, 
you can return those books that you no longer need.

THIS WEEKEND:  Eye-catching posters announce a "Womyn's Dance" tonight
(8 p.m. to 1 a.m.) in the Festival Room, South Campus Hall; it's sponsored
by the women's centre of the Federation of Students (phone ext. 3457).
Also tonight, the cabaret-style fall concert of the UW stage band, in the
great hall of Conrad Grebel College, 8 p.m.

And not one but two events of Roman Catholic interest are at 7:30 p.m.
In Siegfried Hall of St. Jerome's College, the annual Graduates' Lecture
is given by Rev. Greg Humbert ("Passion and Faith: The Gospel Imperative
to Risk").  Across the road at Resurrection College, the Devlin Lecture
is given by Dr. Alexandra Coverly-Lowery ("Dancing for God").

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004