Thursday, November 18, 1993

GRADS ARE VOTING:  Ballots are due back at 4 p.m. Saturday in the
graduate student referendum.  There are multiple questions on two main
subjects -- membership in the Canadian Federation of Students and
Canadian Graduate Council, and a proposed dental plan.  It's the dental
plan that has stirred up argument in the last few days, especially on
the electronic newsgroup uw.grad.

READY TO DIG:  The date has been set for a groundbreaking, as the new
Student Centre will soon rise beside and around the existing Campus Centre.
Ceremonies are to be held Monday, December 6, at 11 a.m., says the student
affairs office.

THE PLAY'S THE THING:  "He Says -- She Says" is still making the rounds 
of campus to "raise awareness" about date rape and issues of violence in
relationships. It's a 45-minute play, and will be performed today at
12:30 in the "comfy lounge" on the third floor of the Math building, and
7 p.m. in Siegfried Hall of St. Jerome's College.

COUNTING DOWN:  There are just twelve more days of classes for the fall
term (the last day of class is Monday, December 6).  Meanwhile, the
academic calendar for 1994-95 was officially approved by UW's senate on
Monday night.  Classes for next year's fall term start Monday, September 12,
the Monday after Labour Day, as always, and end Monday, December 5.

Holidays?  Here's the official word:

1993: December 24 falls on a Friday and will be a holiday. Christmas and
Boxing Day fall on the weekend and so will be observed Monday and
Tuesday, December 27 and 28. "Additional days" will be marked Wednesday, 
Thursday and Friday, December 29, 30 and 31.
1994: New Year's Day will be observed Monday, January 3.  (The 
university is closed Monday, February 21, because of the Social Contract, 
but that day is not a "holiday".) Good Friday falls on April 1; Victoria Day,
May 23; Dominion Day, Friday, July 1; Civic Holiday, August 1; Labour Day, 
September 5; Thanksgiving, October 10.  Christmas and Boxing Day will be 
observed Monday and Tuesday, December 26 and 27.  "Additional days" will
be marked Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, December 28, 29 and 30.
1995: New Year's Day will be observed Monday, January 2.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004