Monday, November 15, 1993

PUTTING ON AN ACT:  A 45-minute play entitled "He Says -- She Says" is
touring campus this week to "raise awareness about acquaintance rape 
and violence in relationships".  The show is "an effective venue for 
raising awareness about acquaintance rape, violence against women,
violence in relationships", says Denise Angove of the health and safety 
department, organizer of the event.  It's being modelled on the successful 
play "Single and Sexy", most recently seen on campus during orientation
week in September.  Angove explains: "Vignettes written and designed to
promote awareness about these issues will be performed in various rooms 
and centres accessible and visible to students, staff and faculty."
First performances are today at 3:30 (Engineering Lecture 101) and 6:30
(Village 1 dining hall); Tuesday at 1:30 (Davis Centre 1351); Wednesday
at 4:30 (Siegfried Hall of St. Jerome's College).
WASTE NOT: It won't be easy to find wastebaskets on the fifth floor of 
the Dana Porter Library from now on, as a "zero waste" project starts there
today.  The pilot project was organized by the Waste Management Committee 
of the library, says Betty Graf, coordinator of the library cataloguing
department and one of the committee members.  "This project will involve 
the staff and public areas on the fifth floor," she said.  Two central 
waste depots will be set up, one in the staff area and one in the public 
area. "These depots will contain bins for recycling white, computer and 
coloured paper, a box for other recyclables and a garbage pail.  There 
will be no other waste baskets on the fifth floor except in the washrooms."

ABOUT TUITION FEES: Student tuition fees at Ontario's universities are
sure to go up in 1994-95; the question is, by how much? That question 
came up at Friday's meeting of the National Alumni Council, and UW provost 
Dr. Jim Kalbfleisch was asked for his best guess. "Seven to ten
per cent," he suggested. Too low, responded Catherine Coleman, president 
of the Federation of Students, who suggested, "It might be more like 15 
per cent," based on a recent meeting of student leaders with the minister 
of education and training.
SENATE MEETS:  UW's senate meets at 7:30 tonight (Needles Hall 3001).  On
the agenda: the provincial report on university "accountability"; a guest
appearance by Joy Cohnstaedt, chair of the Ontario Council on University
Affairs; UW's response to the provincial task force report on links between
universities and community colleges.

AMERICAN THANKSGIVING:  Thursday, November 25, is Thanksgiving Day in the
United States.  For a possible article in next week's Gazette, I'd like to
hear from expatriate Americans and former Americans on campus: Do you miss
this biggest holiday of the American year? Will you be observing the holiday
here in any way?  Comments from anyone reading this Bulletin who's now in
the United States are also welcome.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004