Friday, November 12, 1993

HOMECOMING IS HERE:  The alumni affairs staff are in high gear for
Homecoming, today through Sunday.  You'll find most of them at Homecoming
"headquarters" in the Burgundy Room of the University Club, although
if you're looking for information by phone, the number to call is still
888-4595 (that's UW ext. 4595).

Tickets for most of the major events are sold out, Bonnie Oberle of the
alumni office said a few minutes ago.  So you're too late to get tickets
for Margaret Atwood's reading tonight, or for breakfast with UW president
Jim Downey tomorrow.  One exception: a few $15 tickets are left for the
Saturday night "Hops Quaffing and Beer Tasting" in the great hall of
Renison College (get them at the door).

The Big Tent at Federation Hall is sold out for Saturday night; a few
dozen student tickets for tonight are available this morning at the 
Federation of Students office in the Campus Centre.

Of course you can still get tickets for the Naismith basketball tournament,
which starts at noon today (and the Warriors' first game is at 7 tonight,
against Wilfrid Laurier).  And admission is free to the community skating
party in the Columbia Icefield, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. tomorrow.

ALUMNI are returning to UW for Homecoming, of course, and leaders among
them will attend the annual meeting of the National Alumni Council in
Needles Hall this afternoon.  On the agenda: reports from UW officials
about what's been going on here in the past year, a discussion of this
university's "philosophy of alumni relations", and a highlight presentation
from the dean of math, Jack Kalbfleisch, on "Mathematics Past, Present
and Future".  A reception and dinner follow.

FOOTBALL FINALS:  This week's Gazette said something about the Vanier Cup
game for the national football championship, giving the impression that
it's this weekend.  It isn't.  Tomorrow sees the Churchill Bowl game,
with Toronto facing Concordia.  The winner of that game will be matched
up against Calgary or St. Mary's in the Vanier Cup game the following
Saturday, November 20, at the SkyDome.  Jennifer McCormick in alumni
affairs (ext. 6790) has information about a UW gathering at Windows 
restaurant in the Dome beforehand, and participation in the pregame Parade
of Colours.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004