Wednesday, November 10, 1993

IVY FALLS SILENT:  UW's voice mail system will be out of operation for
two hours tomorrow morning (8 to 10 a.m.) for a software upgrade, the
telephone services department says.  After mid-morning, the synthetic
dulcet voice of "Ivy" will once again help take messages.

Installation of voice mail across campus is about half done, says Joan
Wiley, the manager of telephone services.  She said "800 to 1,000" phones
have voice mail now; the installation started in mid-summer.

In that connection, here's a reminder of some useful phone numbers:
     888-4567 reaches the "automated attendant", from which a caller
              who knows the extension number he or she wants can key it in
              (1 + extn + #) without having to talk to an operator
     888-4966 reaches the voice mail system so that users can check
              their mail wherever they are in the world
     888-4967 reaches "express messaging": anybody, voice mail user or not,
              can key in extn # and leave a message in someone's
              voice mailbox

O SPIRIT OF LOVE!  The drama department is getting ready for its next
show, Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night", which runs November 24-27 in the
Theatre of the Arts.  The adaptation, by drama professor Joel Greenberg,
who is directing the show, concerns itself with the young lovers Viola,
Sebastian, Olivia and Orsino, and "their journeys toward self-discovery".
Music in this production starts with Elizabethan-style ballads and
reaches all the way to the samba and 1950's rock.  The Humanities box
office has tickets now.

MACLEAN'S RANKINGS:  Waterloo isn't the only Ontario university that
dropped from its 1992 level in the 1993 rankings by Maclean's magazine,
published this week. Of 15 institutions, ten are ranked lower in their
categories than last year (one fell 6 places, two 3 places, two 2 places,
and five, including UW, 1 place).  Three are exactly where they were
last year, and just two, Queen's and Windsor, are up, each by 1 place.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004