Tuesday, November 9, 1993

TODAY'S EVENTS:  Look for a lively discussion when Matt Erickson, the
coordinator of ethical behaviour and human rights, makes a guest
appearance at the arts faculty council, which is meeting at 3:30
today.  There were members of that council who loudly opposed the
very creation of the ethics position last year, arguing that
it wasn't necessary and could lead to threats to academic freedom.

At noontime today, St. Jerome's College hosts the first in a series of
brown-bag seminars sponsored by its Gender Awareness Committee.
Today's topic: "Relationships in University Life: What Makes Them
Healthy?"  The conversation starts at 12:30 in room 221 of St. Jerome's.

The annual Faculty of Arts Lecture will be given tonight by Anne
Zeller, chair of the department of anthropology.  Her specialty is
primate behaviour and the pre-human roots of human social and cultural
behaviour, and she'll be talking tonight (Humanities Theatre, 7:30)
about "Teaching Primates: The African Experience".

YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS:  If you're a faculty or staff member, you should
check the UWdir listings to see that your electronic mail address is
listed correctly.  (Find UWdir on the top-level menu on UWinfo, or as
a Unix command on most UW computers.)  Each staff and faculty member
is listed with department and phone information, and e-mail address if
it's been submitted.  If yours isn't there or is wrong, you should
send an e-mail message to uwdir-registrar@uwdir or drop a note to the
UWdir Registrar in the computing services department.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004