Wednesday, November 3, 1993

POLICE UPDATE:  There have been no more robberies like the ones that
took place last Wednesday and Friday in UW parking lots and in areas
east of campus.  Several students were robbed by two men described as
Asian, about 5'5", one of them carrying a knife.  Brian Bradley of the
UW police force said the investigation is being headed by an officer
of the Waterloo Regional Police (the crimes are classified as armed

POWER FAILURE:  Power was off in Engineering 2 from just before 4:00
yesterday until about midnight.  Cause of the failure was a circuit-breaker
that tripped in a tunnel under the building, says Rick Zalagenas, manager
of the central plant.

And what else is new in central plant, he was asked?  "We're constantly
diddling around with the building automation system to try to improve it."
Among the steps being taken for greater efficiency:  "Putting heat
recovery loops all over the place," most recently in Chemistry 2, to
conserve heat when fresh (cold) air is pumped into buildings.

ENGINEERING SHADOWS:  The student Engineering Society has announced a
"high school shadow program", November 8-12, for local secondary school
students who want to learn about the engineering experience.  Says
Alison Pearse of chemical engineering: "The high school students are
taken to classes, labs and given a tour of the school by engineering
students.  The day starts at 9 a.m. with a welcome session in POETS,
where the high school students meet their shadows."  

POETS is the EngSoc pub, on the ground floor of Carl Pollock Hall, and
I'm not sure that anyone has ever officially -- note the word
"officially" -- said what the initials stand for!

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004