Tuesday, November 2, 1993

ROBBERIES CONFIRMED: UW and Waterloo Regional Police are investigating a
series of armed robberies in UW parking lots and the surrounding area. 
In each case a student victim has been approached by two males --
one armed with a large knife -- who demanded money. The first robbery 
took place in parking lot B on Wednesday evening. Three more were 
reported Friday night in lots A and B, UW security director Al MacKenzie 
said yesterday. In addition, he said, "three or four" similar robberies 
took place in the University Plaza and Phillip Street co-op residence
areas. A bulletin from the UW police describes two suspects: 

* Asian male, spoke good English, 17-22 years, approximately 5'5" tall, 
approx. 120 lbs., dark hair, wearing dark clothes, carrying a large knife.
* Asian male, approx. 17-22 years, similar height and build, wearing 
dark clothes. 

Advice from the police: "Exercise caution when travelling in these areas
 . . . avoid walking alone -- walk with a friend." The police also
note UW's Walksafe service, available 8 p.m. to 2 a.m.  (phone 888-4911), 
and the safety van leaving from the Campus Centre from 5:45 to 1 a.m.

ES STUDENTS VOTE:  Polls are open today and tomorrow (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
near the Environmental Studies 1 coffee shop, as students in ES vote on a
proposed "endowment" to support the quality of education in their faculty.
The endowment would be supported by a voluntary $45-per-term fee from
each student.

SKUNK UPDATE:  Since yesterday's Bulletin there have been reports of skunks
spotted near the PAS building (psychology clinic) and near the Grill in
Village 1.  Pepe De Pew lives. . . .

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004