Monday, November 1, 1993

SNOW JOKE:  Were you expecting yesterday's weather, more of a trick than
a treat?  Brian O'Riley, UW's grounds supervisor, was prepared.  He reports
that his crew put a sander on one of the tractors Friday afternoon, just
in case roads had to be sanded last night and this morning.  As things
turned out, there were no problems reported (except that the steps of the
Dana Porter Library were pretty slippery this morning).  So the grounds
crew has a little longer to get things ready for real winter.  The big
truck will be fitted with the chain sander this week.  Contracts have been
signed for the year's supply of sand and calcium, and for the plowing of
parking lots A and C (the other lots are plowed by UW's own crews).  And
sand bins will be in place shortly in the parking lots, where people
are welcome to help themselves when they encounter ice that the crews
haven't gotten to yet.

Other news from Brian O'Riley: the professionals brought in to remove
Mama Skunk and her brood from under the Grad House didn't catch anything,
and expert opinion is that the skunk family has moved to winter quarters.

TODAY'S THE DAY:  November 1 is the official date on which fall term
enrolments are counted and reported to the government.  The registrar's
office was estimating last week that UW would have 13,284 full-time
undergraduates registered this term, down from 13,383 in 1992.  The
actual count will be known in a few days.

Today's also the official count day for Gary Buckley of the registrar's
office.  Suggests a colleague: "Please be on the lookout for a 50 year 
old buck running loose around campus today. If you should see Gary Buckley, 
please do not shoot him but instead wish him a happy birthday."

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs