Thursday, December 23, 1993

THE CHRISTMAS and New Year's holiday is at hand, as today is the
last official day of work for most faculty and staff in 1993. The first
day back for 1994 will be Tuesday, January 4. Among the offices and
services fully closed during the eleven-day break are UW's libraries,
which close at 6 p.m. today and reopen January 4.

Some food services outlets are already closed, and the last will
close today: the Village I dining room at 2 p.m., the Modern Languages
coffee shop and Bon Appetit in the Davis Centre at 2:30, Pastry Plus in
Needles Hall and the Davis Centre at 3:00. The Village I dining room
will reopen for lunch January 3, with most other food outlets reopening
January 4.

WHO'S OPEN: During the break, UW police will be on duty 24 hours a
day. In emergency call 888-4911 (from a UW extension phone, ext. 4911).

The Campus Centre will be open 24 hours a day throughout the holiday 
(turnkey desk, phone ext. 4434 or 888-4434).

Computing services will open the Input-Output room for two days during 
the break: Tuesday and Thursday, December 28 and 30, from 12 noon to 4 p.m. 
only.  Computers and networks should be in operation throughout; service 
outages can be reported to the DCS help line at ext. 4839 (888-4839).

A limited staff will be on duty in the department of co-op education and 
career services in Needles Hall on Tuesday through Thursday, December 28-30.

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: The plant operations department will keep
the central plant going, but heat and ventilation will be kept at night
settings from tonight until January 3. Anyone coming to campus during
that time can expect to find cool buildings. It will save additional
energy expense if coffee-makers, computers, office equipment and unused
fumehoods are turned off during the break.  Maintenance emergencies can be 
reported (24 hours a day) to the usual number, ext. 3793.  Snow removal 
will be minimal and limited to priority areas, chiefly the ring road.

Several construction projects will be taking place on campus, including
the removal of asbestos from the first floor of the Dana Porter Library,
installation of a sprinkler system in parking lot D under Needles Hall,
and (just possibly) the beginnings of work on the Student Centre project.

PARKING: All parking lots will be open and free during the holiday
period (except that D lot will be closed for maintenance work during part 
of the break).

PHONES: Remember that while the switchboard is closed, you can call UW at 
888-4567 and connect to any extension by keying in 1 plus the extension 
number plus #.

MASSES: The University Catholic Community will hold services in Siegfried Hall, 
St. Jerome's College, on Christmas Eve at 7 p.m. and midnight; Christmas Day 
and New Year's Day, 10 a.m.; Sundays, December 26 and January 2, 9:30 and 
11:30 a.m.; December 31, 5 p.m.

TRIVIAL NOTE:  The party with the brain full of spiders and garlic in his
soul has been identified.  The correct answer to question (5) in last week's
trivia contest is indeed the Grinch -- not the one in Dr. Seuss's book, but
the one in the television adaptation.  That's popular culture for you.

THIS BULLETIN will reappear on uw.general, uw.campus-news and UWinfo starting 
January 4. Any emergency announcements during the break will be made on 
uw.general, uw.campus-news, and the "Flash" facility of UWinfo. An issue of 
the Gazette will appear on campus Wednesday, January 5.

            . . . So some of us go now to church,
            and some to feast, and some to skis,
            and some to bed -- and most of us
            to loving friends and families --

            though some must study or must work:
            a dozen faiths, a thousand ways
            to live in harmony with truth
            through cold and dark December days.

            We pause from labours, when we can,
            and hear the season's whispered call
            to burn the candles of our lives
            for Peace on earth, good will to all.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004