Wednesday, December 15, 1993

SING WE JOYOUS:  Is it really only the ninth annual event?  The noon-hour
carol sing in the Modern Languages lobby, with Jake Willms sweeping his
arms dramatically to keep his volunteer carollers in time, seems like an
ancient tradition at Waterloo.  Anyway, today is the day, and 12:15 is the
time.  Students, faculty and staff are all welcome; Christmas carol sheets
will be provided, with light refreshments afterwards courtesy of the dean
of arts.

Also at noontime today: a Christmas buffet luncheon for UW's "mature
students", in the Laurel Room.  The tireless Issy Mackay and Ann Reed
provide counselling, red-tape cutting, information and newsletters to 
Waterloo's older-than-average students from their little office in Modern
Languages; the latest issue of the newsletter includes a triumphant list
of mature students who received their degrees at fall convocation, or who
have gone on to other successes in life.  The newsletter's advice about
taking time during exam week to attend a luncheon: "A well-deserved break
should prove welcome.  And forget the housework and Christmas shopping;
you know from years of experience that you will get through it somehow."

NEW YEAR'S EVE:  "Festival of the Night" is planned for the evening of
December 31 in the square in front of Kitchener's new city hall, starting
at 8:30 and continuing to the early minutes of 1994.  Entertainment for
both children and adults is planned.  The event has a multitude of sponsors
and also a multitude of volunteers.  One of the latter is Pauline Cornelius,
whose appetite for running special events obviously isn't limited to the
ones she handles for UW's office of development.  She'd appreciate a call
at ext. 2998 from anyone who would like to help a non-alcoholic New Year's
Eve civic party be a success.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004