Tuesday, December 7, 1993

AS CHRISTMAS approaches, there are seasonal events all over the
university -- a banquet this evening at Conrad Grebel College, for 
example.  And here's a reminder that tomorrow is the day of the
noon-hour concert in the Davis Centre great hall, involving some
200 students in three choirs and the stage band.  All are welcome.
The Davis Centre concert was something of a marvel the first time it 
happened, a new high-tech building converted by the imagination into a
Renaissance concert hall with remarkable acoustics.  It was so 
successful that it's quickly become a Waterloo tradition.

DONORS FETED:  High-end donors to Campaign Waterloo (including many
faculty and staff, as well as off-campus friends of the university) are
being invited to a special event this evening at 7, also in the great
hall of the Davis Centre.  The guest of honour is Major-General Lewis
MacKenzie, of the Canadian peacekeeping force in Sarajevo, who will be
signing copies of his new book.  The bookstore is also offering other
books for sale (a "chance to do some holiday shopping") and there will
be a few remarks from VIP's, as well as a cash bar.

BY BREAD ALONE:  Student leaders from the Villages will be presenting 
$15,348.54 to the local Food Bank today.  The money was raised through
contributions from Value Plus meal cards in the villages, and the food
services department is helping provide the resulting $15,000 worth of
desperately needed food.

CALLING 911:  Joan Wiley, manager of telephone services, says it's the
biggest accomplishment of all her years at UW -- the "private 911" system
that was turned on this morning.  The system, the first of its kind 
anywhere in Bell Canada territory, is a way of letting emergency response
crews know where police, ambulance or firefighters are needed when
someone dials 911 from a UW extension phone.  The call still goes through
to the regional dispatch centre, but a message is also passed to the UW
police pinpointing the phone on campus where the emergency call came from.
Bonus: you can now dial either 911 or 9-911 from an extension phone, and
get exactly the same result.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004