Friday, December 3, 1993

TO REMEMBER:  A "vigil" in memory of the 14 women killed at Montreal's
Ecole Polytechnique on December 6, 1989, will be held starting at 5 this
afternoon in room 1351 of the Davis Centre.  The event is sponsored by
the gender issues board of the Federation of Students.  Red rose buttons
will be on sale in support of the women's shelter Mary's Place.

A second memorial for the 14 murdered engineering students will be held
Monday, organized by the Engineering Society.  It consists of a candle-lighting
ceremony, and reflections by two students, starting at 12:45 on Monday in
Davis Centre 1350.  EngSoc notes that articles, pictures and a description
of the 1989 events will be on display all day Monday in POETS Pub in Carl
Pollock Hall.

CALLING 911:  A new service called "Private 911" will be installed on
campus Tuesday, says Joan Wiley of telephone services.  Anyone who calls
9-911 from a UW phone, to summon police, firefighters or ambulance, will
get the Waterloo Region dispatch centre as usual; but at the same time,
the UW police will be signalled, and will be able to identify where on
campus the call is coming from.  At present, the dispatch centre only
knows that help should be sent to "200 University Avenue West", and can't
even identify the building where the emergency is taking place.

COMPUTER HELP:  The department of computing services had its usual Friday
"professional development seminar" this morning.  Today's topic: "The Art
of Computer Support", with discussion of perhaps creating a comprehensive
computer help desk.  Carol Vogt of DCS was to speak on such issues as "What
are the qualifications, technical and personal, of a person staffing a 
Help Desk? What are the nature of the problems that might be presented? . . .
How does one go about solving the problems?"

THIS WEEKEND:  "Peggy and Grace" by the Lighthouse Festival Theatre hits 
the Humanities Theatre stage tonight at 8.  Tomorrow at 1:00, it's "Aladdin",
a show for children from the Ontario Ballet Theatre.

Saturday evening, CUPE local 793 is holding its Christmas dinner and dance
at the Transylvania Club.  This local of the Canadian Union of Public 
Employees represents about 300 hourly-paid staff in plant operations (UW's
biggest department) and food services.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs
credmond@watserv1    ext. 3004